Digital Storage USB oscilloscope on iMac

OpenHantek GUI

OpenHantek GUI Qwt

Switched from HantekDSO to OpenHantek for the Voltcraft model 2090 DSO.

The OpenHantek GUI adds a bit more flexibility, e.g. export to PDF, PS, JPG or CSV data.

The current (0.2.0 alpha) openHantek version on OS X 10.6.8 was compiled as follows. Dependencies have been installed with MacPorts.

# opengl is part of OS X 10.6.8
# OS X <a href="">fxload</a>
# <a href="">dsoextractfw</a>
$ sudo port install libusb # USB library
$ sudo port install qt4-mac # Qt4 Aqua (qt4-x11 as alternative)
$ sudo port install fftw # discrete Fourier C library
$ cd /opt/local/openhantek
$ qmake PREFIX=/opt/local/openhantek

Some minor patches:

=> -DQMAKE_TRANSLATIONS_PATH="Contents/Resources/translations"
=> -DVERSION="0.2.0"
65	this->zoomScope->setZoomMode(true);
67	//2012-12-02 <a href="">Fix non visible scope view in OS X</a>
68	this->mainScope->hide();
69	this->mainScope->show();
$ make
$ make install
$ open ./bin/OpenHantek.ap

This shell-script can be used to load the DSO firmware prior to starting the program. Applescript could be used for this as well.