25 december 2011
An open source alternative to Matlab
Another find of the FEM study is Octave, a great Math package.
Octave is a reimplementation of part of Matlab developed by Professor John Eaton at the University of Texas, Austin, and later at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
If you are looking for an Open source alternative to Matlab you should give Octave a try.
William Stein's article from 2007 on how Octave relates to Sage.
You can either install the Macports Octave port or download a ready to run binary from Sourceforge.
Sine 3D example, taken from the network-theory.co.uk GNU Octave Manual, code:
tx = ty = linspace (-8, 8, 41)';
[xx, yy] = meshgrid (tx, ty);
r = sqrt (xx .^ 2 + yy .^ 2) + eps;
tz = sin (r) ./ r;
mesh (tx, ty, tz);
Geplaatst op 25 december 2011 22:12 | Comments (0)
06 juni 2011
FEM O.C. Zienkiewicz et al.
the Finite Element Method, its basis & fundamentals, O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, J.Z. Zhu, 6th edition ISBN 0-7506-6320-0.
Here is the FEAP inputfile for problem 1.4 (1KB) as a basic example of how you can verify your solution.
The inputfile for example 2.3 (3KB) and example 2.4 (3KB). A beam subjected to end shear and a circular beam subjected to end shear, respectively.
See the FEAP site for documentation on the Finite Element Analysis Program and the personal version (FEAPpv).
This is my Makefile (1KB) version to compile FEAPpv 2.2. On an Intel Macbook with OS X 10.6 (Leopard) and using the MacPorts gcc package Fortran compiler.
You can use Octave as a Matlab substitute to work out the problems.
In addition you can use Sage to work out the problems. These are my Sage (version 4.6.2) worksheets for the problems in the first chapter: 1.1-1.4, 1.5-1.6, 1.7.
Geplaatst op 06 juni 2011 10:48 | Comments (0)