03 december 2012
Digital Storage USB oscilloscope on iMac
Switched from HantekDSO to OpenHantek for the Voltcraft model 2090 DSO.
The OpenHantek GUI adds a bit more flexibility, e.g. export to PDF, PS, JPG or CSV data.
The current (0.2.0 alpha) openHantek version on OS X 10.6.8 was compiled as follows. Dependencies have been installed with MacPorts.
# opengl is part of OS X 10.6.8
# OS X fxload
# dsoextractfw$ sudo port install libusb # USB library
$ sudo port install qt4-mac # Qt4 Aqua (qt4-x11 as alternative)
$ sudo port install fftw # discrete Fourier C library$ cd /opt/local/openhantek
$ qmake PREFIX=/opt/local/openhantek
Some minor patches:
=> -DQMAKE_TRANSLATIONS_PATH=\"Contents/Resources/translations\"-DVERSION="0.2.0"
=> -DVERSION=\"0.2.0\"dsowidget.cpp:
65 this->zoomScope->setZoomMode(true);
67 //2012-12-02 Fix non visible scope view in OS X
68 this->mainScope->hide();
69 this->mainScope->show();$ make
$ make install
$ open ./bin/OpenHantek.ap
This shell-script can be used to load the DSO firmware prior to starting the program. Applescript could be used for this as well.
Geplaatst op 03 december 2012 14:30 | Comments (0)
01 juli 2009
Digital Storage Oscilloscope on iMac
For the few who consider using a USB Digital Storage Oscilloscope on Mac OS X. The Voltcraft (i.e. Hantek) model 2090 DSO can be used on the Mac in combination with Oleg Khudyakov's HantekDSO (Linux) software.
Having KDE installed anyway, here is an example of what KDE looks like on the iMac.
Syscompdesign has a simple DSO and OSS software that works on OS X. The 2MHz bandwith I consider too low for my use though.
In search for other suitable DSO's I found none other. What I did find was the HantekDSO package from Oleg K. This opens up the Hantek (Voltcraft and the like) DSO for use under Linux. In short, I managed to compile HantekDSO under OS X (10.5.7) and tested it with the Hantek 2090 (40Mhz) model.
2012-05-02 Update: installation details for HantekDSO 0.5.4 on OS X 10.6.8$ sudo port install kde ## dependency (would kdelibs3 and kdeutils3 suffice?)
$ sudo port install binutils ## due to libbfd dependency$ sudo tar xvfz HantekDSO-0.5.4.tar.gz
$ cd HantekDSO
$ sudo ./configure \
--prefix=/opt/local/HantekDSO \
--include=/opt/local/include/ \
--with-extra-libs=/opt/local/lib/x86_64 \ ## my libiberty location
--with-qt-includes=/opt/local/include/ \
--with-qt-libraries=/opt/local/lib/ \
Warning: you chose to install this package in /opt/local/HantekDSO,
but KDE was found in /opt/local.
For this to work, you will need to tell KDE about the new prefix, by ensuring
that KDEDIRS contains it, e.g. export KDEDIRS=/opt/local/HantekDSO:/opt/local
Then restart KDE.
Good - your configure finished. Start make now## -I/opt/local/include added to DEFAULT_INCLUDES in dsoextractfw/Makefile.in ## http://avahi.org/ticket/194
## -I/opt/local/include added to DEFAULT_INCLUDES in dsoextractfw/Makefile.in
## dsoextractfw_LDADD = -lbfd -liberty -lintl added to dsoextractfw/Makefile.in
## include <malloc.h> commented out and added
#include <stdlib.h> in dsoextractfw/dsoextractfw.c ## http://developer.apple.com/technotes/tn2002/tn2071.html$ sudo make
$ sudo make installTest in X11 terminal:
$ cd /opt/local/HantekDSO/bin
$ ./hantekdso
=> OkOptionally generate documentation using (MacPorts) Doxygen:
$ cd /opt/local/HantekDSO/HantekDSO
$ sudo doxygen -g ## generate template configuration file (in Doxyfile)
$ sudo vi Doxyfile
## set projectname and doc options:
INLINE_SOURCES=YES$ sudo doxygen ## generate documentation (in ./html)
=> Open ./html/index.html in SafariExtract firmware from the Voltcraft Driver CD:
$ cd /opt/local/HantekDSO/bin
$ sudo cp /Volumes/DSO-2090\ USB/Driver/DSO20901.sys .
$ sudo cp /Volumes/DSO-2090\ USB/Driver/DSO20902.sys .
$ sudo mv DSO20901.sys DSO20901.SYS ## want extractfw zoekt met uppercase extensie
$ sudo mv DSO20902.sys DSO20902.SYS
$ sudo ./dsoextractfw
...Load firmware using fxload-osx (built with xcode):
$ ./fxload-osx -t fx2 -I DSO2090_firmware.hex -s DSO2090_loader.hex -D 04b4:2090
And, finally, run HantekDSO:
$ ./hantekdsoYou can create a shell- or Applescript to load the FW and start HantekDSO.
Geplaatst op 01 juli 2009 18:11 | Comments (0)