06 juni 2011

FEM O.C. Zienkiewicz et al.


the Finite Element Method, its basis & fundamentals, O.C. Zienkiewicz, R.L. Taylor, J.Z. Zhu, 6th edition ISBN 0-7506-6320-0.

Here is the FEAP inputfile for problem 1.4 (1KB) as a basic example of how you can verify your solution.

The inputfile for example 2.3 (3KB) and example 2.4 (3KB). A beam subjected to end shear and a circular beam subjected to end shear, respectively.

Example_2.3.png Example_2.4.png

See the FEAP site for documentation on the Finite Element Analysis Program and the personal version (FEAPpv).

This is my Makefile (1KB) version to compile FEAPpv 2.2. On an Intel Macbook with OS X 10.6 (Leopard) and using the MacPorts gcc package Fortran compiler.

You can use Octave as a Matlab substitute to work out the problems.

In addition you can use Sage to work out the problems. These are my Sage (version 4.6.2) worksheets for the problems in the first chapter: 1.1-1.4, 1.5-1.6, 1.7.

Geplaatst op 06 juni 2011 10:48 | Comments (0)

11 februari 2010

Finite Element Modeling


My first, modest, steps in modeling the heaterbarrel of my RepRap 3D Printer. Starting with a 2D model. Not taking into account real-life stuff such as convection, radiation and other effects (I am probably not even aware of :-)


First tried to get ElmerFEM to compile on Intel Mac to find out it crashed anyway. Then recently I found FreeFEM++ which is perfectly suited for this purpose.

Before I can add some more sensible comments to this post I have to re-read some old math and physics textbooks first. Partial differential equations, thermal diffusivitiy. All this may take some time ;-)

Todays' update; 3D image (FreeFEM3D icw medit) of the heaterbarrel and NiCr Heater coil model. Now reading my way through the "Finite Element Method" by Michael R.Gosz, ISBN 0-8493-3407-1. An excellent introduction on FEM.

Geplaatst op 11 februari 2010 18:59 | Comments (0)